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Fundraising Tips

Fundraising for the 2025 Hope in Motion Walk is as simple as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Create — Set up your fundraising page
  2. Spread the Word — Share the link to your page with your friends and family
  3. Say Thank You — Thank everyone who contributes

  Set up Your Personal Fundraising Page

Once you register for the Walk, you’ll be given your own personal fundraising page where you can direct friends and family to contribute to the Hope in Motion Walk.

Tip: Use your page as an opportunity to show people why you’re walking. You might tell the story of a loved one who has experienced cancer — or it may be a personal story about your own experience. Participants who personalize their page raise 3x more than those who do not.

  Spread the Word

Once you’ve set up your page, share the link with friends and family.

You can do that through:

  • Email — Send personalized email messages to your friends and family inviting them to contribute. 
  • Social Media — It’s never been easier to share your story and invite people to contribute through social media. Check out our social media toolkit for sample posts, customized images, and more.

  Say Thank You

Once the event is over, make sure to take the time to personally thank everyone who supported you in your fundraising goals. You can send thank you emails using your Participant Center.

  More Fundraising Tips

Double your dollars

Many employers offer matching gift programs that could double your contribution: $100 could turn into $200 instantly. Be sure to remind your donors to check to see if their employers will match gifts, too.

Use Social Media! 

FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM can also be powerful tools to aid in your fundraising. Most experts agree that it takes most people 2-3 reminders before they respond to a fundraising request. Social Media provides an engaging yet unobtrusive means to supplement your fundraising emails and in-person requests. For more tips on using social media, CLICK HERE.

Host a Mini Event

You can partner with local businesses or with friends and family to host fundraising Mini Events before or after June 8th. LEARN MORE

  Forms and Logos

Hope in Motion Logo
Participant Collection Sheet
Hope in Motion Mail-in Donation Form
Mini Events Poster